Friday, November 27, 2009

New iPhone

Woohoo, I finally made it the Apple store to look at iPods for my gf and while I was there I asked them to take a look at my iPhone that has been messed up for a few months now. It was acting like I had the headphones in all the time and so I could only use speaker phone. The guy started looking at it, blew the headphone jack out with some compressed air, stuck some tool in there and nothing. So, he asked me if I had everything backed up and I did so he just started the process of transferring my account info to a new phone. I just sat there and watched without saying a word and before you know it he gave an invoice to sign that had $0 charge and then gave me a new white 16GB iPhone 3G with my sim card in it and said thank you. FREAKING AWESOME!!! I can't believe I waited so long to do that.