Thursday, January 28, 2010

iPad Hype

So I am definitely not a big Apple person, but when I got my iPhone it quickly became the most treasured device I own. That being said, I'm actually pretty excited about the iPad, and this video certainly enhances that feeling.

I can definitely see how I personally would take advantage of this device. I'm not quite certain what the terms of service might be. Obviously if I could somehow take advantage of the contract I already have with AT&T for service that would be awesome, but I need to do more research. Oh, and if they can hack it, Watch Out! Good price point too. I will continue to monitor this and post about it as more info becomes available.
This video is too funny to not include, definitely regaining popularity around the net since Apple's official release:

PS3 is finally "hacked"

Wow, so this is another piece of very interesting news. GeoHotz, the guy who first hacked the iPhone, has released an exploit that sometimes causes an overflow that gives programmers access to certain levels of memory in the PS3 software. I'm not too sure of how it all works, but it looks promising. You can download the exploit here and run it on your PS3, if you think you know what you're doing. For more detailed information check out this Eurogamer article