Friday, January 8, 2010

Bad Luck

Wednesday night was kinda slow at the restaurant and I was planning on going straight home, but Dallas, Gilbert and Maren persuaded me to go with them to Doc's. As I'm driving out of the parking lot, I see a blue Suburban at the stop sign of the intersection I'm about to turn left at. I'm making the turn with my headlights and turn signal on and the guy just drives straight into my drivers side door. Neither one of us was going more than 10mph so there wasn't much risk of injury.
I immediately crawled out of the car through the passengers door because the drivers door was smashed in an stuck. The guy got out of the Suburban as well and I proceeded to ask if he didn't see me, he did. He said he saw me and went anyway, he didn't know why. I knew he was wasted right away. I told him I was calling the cops. They show up, run field sobriety tests on both of us, he failed and I passed. The officer was really cool with me. Just waiting to hear from insurance company now.

Posted by ShoZu