Monday, November 29, 2010

Chipotle Cream Sauce Recipe

We had our annual Christmas Decorating Party at Cannoli Joe's last night. It was nice because we actually had very little decorating to do, because we had staff working on it all day long. They did a great job, I will post more pics soon. Since there wasn't much work to do we basically had a short meeting regarding Christmas season and proceeded to eat.
Bob and I came up with a Fish Taco dinner, I think mainly because everybody was pretty burnt out on Thanksgiving food ;)
Bob made some white rice and a sauce base for a slaw mix. I went to the store and bought some corn, sour cream, yogurt and green cabbage. Our actual menu was pretty simple but had good contrast and flavors.

We had:
Sauteed Corn - sauteed in olive oil with chopped onion, chopped garlic, salt and pepper.
White Rice
Fish Tacos - Breaded and Fried Tilapia Filets with spicy slaw(olive oil, lime juice, cabbage, jalapeno, cilantro, green onion)
Chipotle Cream Sauce, as a sauce for the tacos

Everyone liked everything, unfortunately we ran out of corn pretty quick, but we had plenty of rice, slaw, fish and sauce.
A number of people asked me about the chipotle cream sauce so here's the recipe.
It's super simple.

  • 24 oz container of sour cream at room temperature, you could also substitute yogurt for a lower calorie sauce

  • 7 oz can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce

  • juice from 1 lime
  • and finally salt to taste.
All you have to do then is just put all of the ingredients in a blender and puree until all of the ingredients have been evenly incorporated.
Voila, just like that a tasty taco sauce. It's very rich and pretty spicy so a little goes a long way.

enjoy :D

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Map of My Ride to Work

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

SSF4 Release

 We had a good time at Curtis and Angela's last night! I was happy that Laura got into it, maybe now we can play SSF4 at home.   :D

Monday, April 26, 2010

Super Street Fighter is almost here!!

I'm getting pretty excited about tomorrows release. I have my copy on pre-order at GameStop and I will get it early in the morning. Later I'm going over to a friends house to have a SSF4 release party with PS3 and XBox systems going. Should be fun.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

iPad Hype

So I am definitely not a big Apple person, but when I got my iPhone it quickly became the most treasured device I own. That being said, I'm actually pretty excited about the iPad, and this video certainly enhances that feeling.

I can definitely see how I personally would take advantage of this device. I'm not quite certain what the terms of service might be. Obviously if I could somehow take advantage of the contract I already have with AT&T for service that would be awesome, but I need to do more research. Oh, and if they can hack it, Watch Out! Good price point too. I will continue to monitor this and post about it as more info becomes available.
This video is too funny to not include, definitely regaining popularity around the net since Apple's official release:

PS3 is finally "hacked"

Wow, so this is another piece of very interesting news. GeoHotz, the guy who first hacked the iPhone, has released an exploit that sometimes causes an overflow that gives programmers access to certain levels of memory in the PS3 software. I'm not too sure of how it all works, but it looks promising. You can download the exploit here and run it on your PS3, if you think you know what you're doing. For more detailed information check out this Eurogamer article

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cruising on my 20"

There's a certain sense of liberty not having my car at the moment. Having to use other modes if transportation forces me to take a closer look at Austin. I feel like I appreciate it a little more after each ride. This van is sitting in a parking lot by downtown, nothing revolutionary but it reinforces how cool of a place I live

Posted by ShoZu

Sunday, January 10, 2010's like crack

How Addicted to Facebook Are You?

Created by Oatmeal

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bijou Studio Grand Opening

We showed up early. Laura looks good

Posted by ShoZu

Friday, January 8, 2010

Super Street Fighter 4: New Characters and New Ultra's

Freaking Sweet!! I can't wait for this to come out, even though I know there's substantial disapproval from the arcade crowd because it's a straight-to-console release. Check out the wiki for more specific info

Bad Luck

Wednesday night was kinda slow at the restaurant and I was planning on going straight home, but Dallas, Gilbert and Maren persuaded me to go with them to Doc's. As I'm driving out of the parking lot, I see a blue Suburban at the stop sign of the intersection I'm about to turn left at. I'm making the turn with my headlights and turn signal on and the guy just drives straight into my drivers side door. Neither one of us was going more than 10mph so there wasn't much risk of injury.
I immediately crawled out of the car through the passengers door because the drivers door was smashed in an stuck. The guy got out of the Suburban as well and I proceeded to ask if he didn't see me, he did. He said he saw me and went anyway, he didn't know why. I knew he was wasted right away. I told him I was calling the cops. They show up, run field sobriety tests on both of us, he failed and I passed. The officer was really cool with me. Just waiting to hear from insurance company now.

Posted by ShoZu

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day Off

Ran some errands, now back at home. Relaxing, before Laura's friends come into town.

Posted by ShoZu