Monday, October 26, 2009

First Post: iPhone hack, Win7 Review, Netflix on PS3

My first blog, we'll see how well this goes, hehe...

Found a nice post for Jailbreaking iPhone 3GS running OS 3.1.2 Using Pwnage Tool, courtesy of iPhone Hacks. I haven't Jailbroken my iPhone, due to a possibility of getting it fixed at the Apple store. Stupid thing thinks that the headphones are constantly plugged in, so I have to use the speaker phone to talk on it. Aside from that, it works great. I also have yet to update the OS past 3.1, because I patched it to get the Tethering function to work.

A review, Hasta La Vista, baby: Ars reviews Windows 7, by Ars Technica, is a very interesting read. I've really enjoyed the 64-bit Ultimate edition. No conflicts, no searching for drivers and a neat looking UI.

Awesome news from PC World, Sony is partnering with Netflix to offer streaming service starting in November. I have been reluctant to get an account but, that seems like it might be worth it. This should really put Sony in a prime spot to gain on console sales over the holidays, the only thing that kind of bugs me is that you have to use a Blu-Ray disc to run the service whenever you use it. It seems there is clause blocking Sony from mounting the service to the XMB menu because of Microsoft's prior exclusivity contract. Still, I plan on getting signed up.

Well, there you go, my first post. I'll do my best to keep up with it. I'm also active on Twitter and facebook, so check me out there as well. Although I have a myspace account, I rarely use or check it. It simply receives my tweets and posts them on my profile.