Monday, October 26, 2009

Car Break-In

I really fucking hate people sometimes. My car got broken into last night. Pisses me off. I think I might have even heard it happening, but I wasn't sure because our stupid neighbors two houses down are always out on the street partying late night. I'm almost positive it was them or some of their loser-ass friends. Of course, I have no proof, so there's absolutely nothing I can do except file a report and hope my car or renter's insurance covers the damage and the stereo.
I was on my way to my tattoo appointment too, in a great mood and then I walk outside open the door and WHAM! It's like I got hit in the face, as soon as opened the door I saw the entire dashboard is gone. No stereo, no A/C, nothing, just a bunch of wires. I looked in the backseat and saw the smaller rear drivers-side window is broken out and sitting in the backseat, bits of glass everywhere. they didn't take my rain jacket or my hoodie, just went straight for the stereo. A nice one too, Kenwood, played mp3 CD's, had an iPod jack, it even had a USB jack on the face so I could load up my 8GB thumb drive and play. Fucking bummed!
Oh, and of course since the window's broken it'll be raining all day. AAArrggghhh!!!!!!!!!