Tuesday, April 12, 2011

East 6th on a Saturday Morning

I'm so glad I went to bed earlyish on Friday night, because the next morning I woke up feeling great. I stepped outside to let the dogs out and enjoyed the coolness of the early morning. Both Rowena and Camilo did their business and ran back inside quickly. Once inside they would not stop running around, so I decided to take advantage of their energy and use it as an excuse for all of us to get out of the house. It doesn't take much convincing Laura to take the dogs to the park, so she started getting ready right away. I got everything I needed and the harnesses for the pups. We headed out originally destined for Butler Park, but it's been under construction and not as enjoyable as of late. So, we decided to head over to East 6th and get some tacos while we're there. We found a sweet parking spot on San Marcos and we went into Progress to get some caffeinated goodness. I waited outside with the dogs while Laura went in and ordered for us. Considering how many people were there it was pretty quick and we decided to grab some tacos at Pueblo Viejo at the East Side Drive-In Trailer park on 6th to compliment our coffee.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am friends with the owners and help them with their social media in exchange for free tacos, but still this place is crazy good!@PuebloViejoATX

Again I definitely have a bias for this place, but aside from that they are getting local, and even national recognition, for being one of the best, most authentic trailers in Austin. I love any of their tacos that have chorizo in them, because they don't skimp on the portions. There are always large meaty chunks of ground pork and the deep flavors of all the spices in every bite.

Chorizo, Eggs, Potatoes and Cheese on a perfectly toasted tortilla from EL Milagro across the street! Good Taco, seriously

I never feel it necessary to even add the salsa, because the taco is so flavorful already, but I find adding just a thin layer helps contrast the rich, creaminess of the eggs and cheese with a fresh and slightly sweet taste of the onions and tomatoes in the salsa. I grabbed a Topo Chico off their counter with no intention of drinking it (I was still sipping on my Progress coffee), but so I could get a photo. I just found out about Instagram and can't stop posting pics.

We finished our tacos while making sure the dogs didn't eat any grease & salsa-laden woodchips off the ground and started on our walk. The pups were definitely ready to go.

Me and my little buddy

We found this little sign we'd never seen before. A neat little concept, except that there weren't any tags. It would work better if there was some way to replenish the tags. Or maybe people who are interested are supposed to replace them. Either way, a very low tech approach to to social interaction, cool.

Too bad more people aren't getting into it

Urban Street Art

Top to Bottom

Not much on their blog either.

Walked by a favorite place of mine, both the tattoo shop where I get my tattoos, Bijou Studio and one of my favorite bars, Liberty.

We continued down and turned around down onto 5th and walked back towards the car that way. I hadn't seen all the new graff on the walls back there, pretty dope. There was even a tag for Merida, Mexico where Laura was born.

I didn't realize until I got close that the texture in the face is made from several tag overlays. Mind = blown

Viva Mexico

Pretty sure the Light Rail uses these tracks too