Wednesday, October 28, 2009

UPDATE: Car Break-In, DJ Hero, Rooster Tattoo

So I talked to car insurance people, gonna have to pay $500 for deductible, but they'll cover the rest. I'm taking that shit to the dealership, get the best and baddest replacement parts for the window, console, arm rest etc... Oh yeah, I got in the car to go buy plastic sheeting yesterday and found out that, due to the wiring being ripped out of the dashboard, my turn signal lights aren't working either. So there is more damage than I originally thought. I thought i would still be able to drive, but that just sends a message to cops "Please pull me over!", also my inspection tag is out so that's no good. The last thing I need right now is to get a ticket. Ahhhh, life is complicated sometimes. I just hope all that stuff gets fixed properly and in an expedient fashion. They also told me that they might be able to cover the stereo because it was "permanently affixed" to the car. My renter's insurance people told me that they couldn't cover it because it was less than my deductible.

On the lighter side of things, I've been checking out the reviews of DJ Hero and I decided I want to get it as soon as I have some money. It looks super fun and the soundtrack seems pretty good as well. It'll probably be around Christmas when I get to play it myself, but I have patience.

I set up my appointment for next week to get shading and color on my rooster tat. 4:00 on Tuesday. That's hard to wait for, the outline is healing up real nice. It didn't even bleed that much. I've been keeping it lotioned up so it doesn't itch too bad either.
In regards to he blog itself, I've been doing some reading online about HTML and CSS so expect to see some changes pretty soon. These templates are all pretty boring, needs more cowbell. I guess it just depends on how much free time I have over the next few weeks. I don't plan on going out anytime soon. I might not even do anything for Halloween because of a lack of funds. I can't buy a costume or spend money on makeup, so maybe I will have more free time. A friend at work also gave me an old laptop to fix up. Really old, originally had Windows ME, so, yeah. I'll slap Win2000 and it and get it going quick though.