Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Posted by ShoZu

At the Park

Laura and I decided to get enjoy our morning ritual of coffee and breakfast tacos at the 9th street park off Lamar. We got our food and drinks at Emerald City Press and brought the pups to enjoy our last morning of the year.

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Game Night

I had a blast at Finnegan's last night playing SF4 & DJ Hero and hanging out with a bunch of friends!

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Weather Change = Me getting sick

Everytime we have dramatic changes in the weather I always catch a cold. It started out as a sore throat and then last night evolved into a full-fledged, stuffy nose-headache sinus cold. It really sucks because I wanted to go to our company Employee Christmas party downtown. Oh well, c'est la vie. It is more important that I don't get sick right now because we're super busy at work and I need to be there. It did give me an opportunity to sit back and get some much needed rest though. And I put in some hours in COD, hehe.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Xmas Party 09

We had a great time at the OFFICIAL County Line/Cannoli Joe's Christmas Party. Lots of great food, drink and friends. Laura and I had fun catching up with Tiff and Crystal.

We then went to an after party that Laura's friends were having and danced until we were worn out and ready to go to sleep. I didn't get any pics of this party, because we were too busy getting down on the dance floor.

Monday, December 7, 2009


First, I have to apologize for not updating the blog...been busy with work and distracted with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.Also trying to work out when I have the time. Later today going to go Christmas shopping, wish me luck, I'm going to the mall. I already gto some things picked out but the majority of stuff I'll probably order online (cheaper and more convenient).
So, we were open on Thanksgiving and it was insanely busy at the restaurant, but that is great for business. It was fun, everything went really smooth and we served over 1000 happy guests. I know we're doing it again for Thanksgiving next year, so that's cool. We are also thinking of ways to make New Years Eve popular as well, but the clocks ticking on that.
I started a blog on WordPress, and I like the interface so keep an eye out for updates that might suggest migration to that site O.o
I've really been enjoying COD: MW2. Great friggin game! I am not looking forward to having to return it to my friend who loaned it to me, hehe. I'll get my own copy soon enough though, so no worries. Any one who wants to play online with me on Playstation Network my PSN id is: q254
How shocking, I know. Alright I'll be back later after I come back from the mall, maybe something exciting will happen and I can blog about it.