Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cool little WebApp Incredibox

Just saw this link on Google+, my cousin posted it. It's a WebApp that allows you to compose simple loops with some preset beats, choruses, voices and effects. Very fun, and you can instantly post them to Facebook. Here's a little loop I made just a few minutes ago:

AM BeatBox

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stop SOPA and PIPA

If you follow me on Twitter you might have noticed that I have been railing against this horrible piece of legislation for a while now. Now, with all of this wonderful media attention and the Blackout Day in full effect, I really hope that more and more people will start getting more active about this topic.
First thing to to do is educate yourself. Check out this link to get a better understanding of what this battle is all about. Next go to this page and sign the petition to send to Congress and then call your local House Representative and both of your State Senators!
All of us who use the Internet everyday, whether for personal or business use, would feel the effects if this legislation was to be passed. So, we all have a reason to rally against it! 

Thank you for reading this and helping to fight the good fight!