Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day 2011

I woke up this morning to Laura saying "Oh my God! It snowed!". She quickly ran to the office and jumped on the computer to check the AISD website to see if they were going to have classes. The website was down, probably too many people trying to check the exact same thing. I pulled out my phone and checked Twitter, "Yep, AISD is not having classes." I told her. I then started thinking if we should open the restaurant or not. The more I watched the news, the more I realized it isn't going to be safe on the roads until noon. I called the owner and we both agreed it would be the smart and safe thing to just not open for Lunch. I got my camera and proceeded to head out into the frozen white landscape.

This is when we first woke up at 5:45am.

These are our dolphins that live in our backyard. (They were here when we moved in)

My old '72 Chevy. Hasn't seen snow like this since New Mexico!

My car

Laura's ride

Our street. Human, vehicle and animal tracks

Pretty sure those are raccoon paw prints

The Sun finally coming out!